Tuesday, October 30, 2007

98% bet that Fed will lower fed funds rate 25bps tomorrow

Quotes From Fed Officials on Economy

Hopefully they will surprise again with a 50 bps cut. The bursting of the housing and credit bubbles, compounded with China's "irrational exuberance," according to Greenspan, will hopefully inspire the Fed to be more aggressive, but the comments above suggest otherwise. If there is no cut, the market will fall. The 25 bps cut is already priced in. People may take profits if this happens. If it's a 50 bps cut, the market will rally.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

checking old links. found new ones.

Checking to see if old links still work &
saw that Alex-C moved.
He thanked Bristle’s Blog from the BunKRS
for featuring him.
looks like it's half-mashup mixes, half-political blog.
Meanwhile, Alex-C has gone multiple, his two other personalities are Dubstep Project - 'DFRNT' and

1999 is back baby!