Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Get Hillary a Lozenge

Conspiracy theorists claim that Clinton coughed to avoid answering a question about the role Bill would play in her administration. I think it was just bad journalism.

satanchrist666 commented:

"Some body quick give that woman a cough drop. Then make her drink some water or pat her on her back, then ask her the question again. If she then chokes more she is most certainly faking it. Then wait until she is done faking the cough again and keep asking the question until she answers it. Never except a cough as an answer nor a way out of giving one. She stands in the way of truth like most people in her position. Remember she is merely an employee of yours! Demand truth from her!"

2baraddict wrote:
"choke on your lies Illuminati whore!!"

Link to video.

Reality Horror

Some more interesting conspiracy videos:
The 2012 Ouroborous Doomsday Clock (Part 1 of 9). Interesting discussion of the most recent complex crop circle (pictured below). I've got to find this guy's website. Check out antigrav777's profile for the other 8 parts.

Esoteric Agenda from A frightening look inside inner circles and the one world religion. Not sure how real it is, but it makes for good reality horror (stuff that is more frightening if you believe it). Watch it soon as the youtube version was removed by the poster:

Update: Looks like the video was removed from Google too. [7/11/08]

Friday, May 23, 2008


Oh yeah, and oil would be up to $135 a barrel, which a year from now, will seem pretty cheap, when we're paying $6 a gallon at the pump, and there are riots in the streets that Homeland Security is suppressing. Maybe the conspiracy theorists aren't so crazy after all.

Update: At close to $150 a barrel, $135 sounds cheap! [7/11/08]


It's like 1995 is back again.
Tricky's coming out with a new album, Knowle West Boy, due out in the UK on July 7. US release Sep 9th. Single is Council Estate. Video currently on the website with other preview tracks. Single out June 30. You can download parts of it to make your own remix on the Knowle West Boy site. More news here. Brown Punk (Tricky's label).

Portishead just released Third

Martina Topley Bird just released The Blue God

Maybe Hope Sandoval will release something soon.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Potential Running Mates

For Discussion:

Edwards' politics are more in line with Obama's than any of the other candidates.

This might be the worst of both worlds, with Hillary and Bill to contend with, Barack would find it difficult to make the changes in his administration he promises in his campaign. Plus, he has already categorized Hillary as a divider rather than a unifier.

(No, not the little girl). Bill may not be eligible for the number 2 spot. I'd have to check the constitution for that.

While not a winning combination, the difference in style between Sharpton and Obama would be a field day for the press. Again, Obama is looking for someone who bridges gaps, not creates them.

Jackson certainly has been around, but would not add anything to this ticket.

Kennedy could get the feeling for the reigns of Executive power without getting his hands dirty holding them. He could take a page from Cheney's book and be the real power behind the throne. Is this the future of American politics?

The year 2000 was such a long time ago. Why was Lieberman on any ticket?

Oprah certainly knows how to unify people -- or at least the target audience for her show.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Economy: One Year Later

If I told you last year that housing would drop, major lenders like Accredited Home Lenders and New Century Financial would be gone, Countrywide would be absorbed into Bank of America, Bear Stearns would be bought at fire sale prices by JPMorgan, investment brokers and banks would write down record losses, the Fed would cut a combined total of 3.25%, finance the Bear Stearns take over, and virtually photocopy money for banks, would you have believed me?