- HEY, sometimes a bare hand DOES resemble a naked lady. [David]
- What naked lady in her right mind would get near him? Definitely his own hand. An old friend. hehe [mangowild]
- That's it! That's a mans hand in those glasses! I knew Cheney was gay. ;) [captainkona]
- It's perfectly obvious it's a reflection of his hand .... what is does reveal is apparently poor technique. The way his thumb is wrapped around the grip, it looks like he is choking it to death. Torturing it, even. On the plus side, woeful technique = safe (non-renditioned) trout. [Evilscribbler]
- If thats a naked woman..that probably isn't a fishing pole he's holding! [trshaw]
- Is that a zit on his nose reflected in his right lens, or do I see a nipple? [John]
- It's clearly a baby's arm holding an apple. So, the question arises, who is THAT? [lexicon ]
- Dick Cheney hasn't been that close to a naked woman in 40 years. [JC]
- Looks more like one of those high tech battery operated whips to me [Carlos Solis]
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