Saturday, September 29, 2001

Grant Morrison is a comic book writer. He has since become a practicing magician, and claims to practice his magic by writing his comic books. I read a cached interview with him on Google, and noted the following things to check out:

  • Marvel Boy
  • Alan Moore's Birth Caul
  • Chaos aesthetic
  • destruction of the 20th century dualities
  • The Ring O' Bells Myster by Enid Blyton
  • Relationship between Alan Moore and Karen Berger
  • Why Peter Milligan would be writing comics if above relationship never started
  • Phil Jimenez
  • Flex Mentallo, Man of Muscle Mystery
  • Explain the following:

    Ed Mathews Grant, I think the opposite of good and evil is indifference. What say you?

    Grant Morrison Now join those 2 together and tell me what the new synthesis looks like and is it usable

  • Magic cutting edge - Phil Hein & Nexus
  • Very pertinent today:

    Shannon Smith What do you make of the whole Survivor and Big Brother phenomenon. It seems to play into your theories in the Invisibles about all of us being tv stars.

    Grant Morrison I think my quote was everyone will be famous 24 hrs a day and that's what's happening. More cameras means more chaos

  • Scary: Whitley Streiber's website, Kathmandu, Brendan McCarthey
  • VAT
  • ego-modification exercises
  • What???

    Leo_Zeygerman Are the beginning pages of volume 2, issue 1, just a play out of King Mob entering the super context ?

    Grant Morrison The entire series is a playout of you entering the super context

    Question So, I've been experimenting with writing fiction as a conscious magical act, and you're right: it works. So well it's scary, sometimes. But the all-over-the-place results make me think I need a banishing ritual that's specific to the form; drawing pentagrams in the air around my PC just seems too daft for words. So, do you use a banishing ritual when you write and if so, what sort? How does it work?

    Grant Morrison I've never used a banishing ritual in any form of magic

Cosmic Time Travel, RE-VISIONING MIDDLE PILLAR EXERCISE: The Torus/Twistor Model, THE SELF-AWARE UNIVERSE: A Synopsis of Amit Goswami's Theory of Physics & Psychic Phenomena
Google-cached live chat with Grant Morrison
What Is a Gnostic?
PopImage - Grant Morrison
Bedazzled (1967) - I saw the 2000 version. I wonder what the original is like.
Divine Horsemen : The Living Gods of Haiti
BARBELiTH: An Invisible(s) Website
We're All Policemen - interesting topic - information is a finite resource. I'd like to find out the formulas for calculating signal to noise, and how it relates to information.
Grant Morrison's Invisibles series:The Bomb

Friday, September 21, 2001

We all need to learn how to deal with the stress that the Sept 11th tragedy brought into our lives...

Friday, September 14, 2001

A first person account of the rescue efforts in NY

How come we're not hearing much about the Pentagon?

After the tragedy, the intellectualizing begins...

Bin Laden comes home to roost - this article goes over how the CIA financed Osama bin Laden in the 80's.

Michael Moore's commentary puts some of the blame on the American government.

War is grey, and I think we entered into a war with some of the less fortunate people in the world a long time ago. The US has the highest standard of living in the world. I once read that if some were willing to give up their high standard of living, the entire world could live at a 1920's standard of living. Imagine that. Everyone with enough food on the table, a job to do, and the opportunity for the pursuit of happiness. At what price? Maybe you don't get to own a car and you have to wear your sneakers a little longer than usual.

One thing I've noticed about the continuous coverage about the World Trade Center and Pentagon terrorist attacks is that I have not seen one commercial on the major networks. I find it a refreshing break. Too bad it had to come after such terrible news... News | How to defeat bin Laden - article which proposes branding bin Laden as a criminal and seeking prosecution rather than war.

Wednesday, September 12, 2001

Somebody has to pay for this... and along with those responsible it will be those in Reinsurance

This paragraph is especially morbid:

Mr. Silverstein's company had planned a meeting yesterday morning on the 88th floor of one tower to discuss what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. The meeting was canceled Monday night because one participant could not attend.
The Fine Line - very descriptive blog post from a guy who was at the WTC subway stop when the event occurred.
Prophecies of Nostradamus: part 6/8, World War III - interesting interpretations of Nostradamus.
More eyewitness accounts: ctrl-alt-ego: reboot yourself
Eyewitness Accounts:
Blogger search page - search for World Trade Center or terrorist. There are many eyewitness accounts, from bloggers living or working in New York.

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Tragedy in the US

At just before 9am today a commercial airline crashed into one of the World Trade Center buildings in New York. Another plane crashed again at 9am into the other tower. Both towers came down because of the damage at 10 and 10:30. During this time a plane crashed into the helicopter landing pad at the Pentagon. I've heard an unconfirmed report that another plane has crashed in Pittsburg.

The only news I can reach are and The Nando Times. I tried to search daypop, but got only one eyewitness response that spoke about the crashes. I wouldn't call it awesome though.

As I watched one building come down, all I could think of was how many people had not evacuated yet. I thought of the people crammed into stairways trying to get out, panicking and pushing, afraid for their lives. As the building came down, I wondered how many people were left. As I watched rescue workers rush to the scene, and heard the announcer say that every rescue worker in the city was rushing to the scene, I wondered if there would be more. If this were just a precurser for more destruction.

Monday, September 10, 2001

E-paper - electronically charged pellets in flexible plastic sheets. I don't know -- sounds like 1984 to me.


Research sites on the hidden internet.
Nanotech future - the army may soon use microfabrics in their uniforms. Nano-Tex, subsidiary of Burlington Industries Inc. has developed a better cotton molecule to provide anti-wrinkle and anti-stain properties.

Hybrid Plastics in Fountain Valley, California is working on weatherproof circuit boards.

DuPont is working on fibers that conduct electricity & change at the wearer's commant.

Triton Systems, Inc. is developing a technology for helium-filled sneakers.

Thursday, September 6, 2001

Does a cloned pig taste better than its original?
If I ever need storage, I'll know where to go.

Wednesday, September 5, 2001

Further example of the Microsoftization of the Net: Microsoft sabotages error messages by directing users to its MSN Search page instead.
Zope, an open-source Web application server.
The origins of Ballmerfunk - watch as Steve Ballmer runs around the Microsoft stage looking like a World Wrestling Federation character at an Ozzy Osborne concert.