Bin Laden comes home to roost - this article goes over how the CIA financed Osama bin Laden in the 80's.
Michael Moore's commentary puts some of the blame on the American government.
War is grey, and I think we entered into a war with some of the less fortunate people in the world a long time ago. The US has the highest standard of living in the world. I once read that if some were willing to give up their high standard of living, the entire world could live at a 1920's standard of living. Imagine that. Everyone with enough food on the table, a job to do, and the opportunity for the pursuit of happiness. At what price? Maybe you don't get to own a car and you have to wear your sneakers a little longer than usual.
One thing I've noticed about the continuous coverage about the World Trade Center and Pentagon terrorist attacks is that I have not seen one commercial on the major networks. I find it a refreshing break. Too bad it had to come after such terrible news...
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